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Tag: tree removal services orlando

When Your City Requires You To Have A Tree Removed

Most of the time, it’s up to you what you do with the plants and trees located on your property on your land. Sometimes though, the city will get involved and ask you to take a tree down. What happens in this case, and what should you be doing? Here’s a complete guide to help…

Three Reasons That Tree Might Have To Go

Is that tree in your yard looking the worse for wear? Maybe it’s getting on in age, or bad weather has damaged it. In some cases, you can simply prune the damaged parts of the tree, but in others, that tree will have to come down. How can you know? Here are three reasons you’ll…

What To Do When A Tree Breaks On Your Property

Sometimes the trees on your property can go through a lot of stress and damage, and you’ll be left to work out how to fix it. If the tree is broken, can you fix it or do you need to cut it down? The answer very much depends on you and your tree. Here’s what…

How Tree Removal Can Save Your Entire Property

Tree removal is an essential part of maintaining a property and for plenty of people, it can be difficult to decide whether they need to remove the flora in their area. Trees are an excellent way to improve the curb appeal of a house and to help regulate the temperature of the property. People use trees…

The Hazards Of Low-Lying Stumps

The Hazards Of Low-Lying Stumps Advance Tree Pros is your professional stump removal company in Orlando. With years of extensive industry experience, we specialize in removing aged or dangerous trees from all residential and commercial establishments. Our highly-dedicated ISA Certified arborists also provide tree salvaging and pruning services. As your tree stump removal experts in…

Why You Should Have That Tree Removed Before the Next Storm Season

When a massive storm blows through it can be both epic and terrifying to see the winds picking up and blasting through a landscape. Hearing the crack of thunder as it’s coming down or the sickening snap of a large tree branch crashing to the ground. Mother nature has a way of reminding us we…

Orlando Tree Removal – How to Tell If A Tree Needs Trimming Or If It Needs To Go

Trees have offered us shade, food, and shelter since the beginning of time. As wonderful as they are though, they can cause problems and danger, so we must help them stay healthy and strong. Pruning or trimming trees does far more than just making your trees visually appealing. All vegetation, especially fruit trees and bushes,…

Why You Should Get Rid of That Tree Stump

Tree removal in Orlando is easy and hassle free when you know who to call. While trees are beautiful, add property value, provide oxygen, and shade they sometimes can become hazardous and even dangerous when not cared for properly. If you’ve already had a tree cut down in the past, or maybe your property came…

Summer is Coming – It’s Time to Purge your Old Trees!

Every day, we are surrounded by trees, not only in the forests and the parks but also in our homes and products. We use trees for everything: from printing paper and guitars, to bagpipes and construction lumber used to build houses, trees, and their byproducts are used in virtually everything. Not only do we need…

Tree Removal Tips: DIY or Professional Removal?

No matter what type of property owner you are, you know that having trees on your property adds value, beauty, and most importantly oxygen. However, having trees on your property does come with some responsibility. For the most part, trees can take care of themselves. But from time to time, trees do need to be…