Orlando Tree Removal Decreases The Potential Spread Of Disease & Insect Infestation
Orlando Tree Removal – Adequate Cleanup is Critical to Prevent the Spread of Disease and Insects
Trees that die from disease or insect infestation can easily infect other healthy trees. That is why it is imperative to remove or destroy the infected materials. If this is not done, then the infested trunk and branch tissue will harbor the disease pathogens or bark beetles and other boring insects which can infest other trees and continue the pattern of decline.
This infestation is incredibly clear with Dutch Elm Disease (DED). The elm bark beetles, which spread the disease, infest recently cut wood with the bark still attached, even getting to the root crown tissues that are left after tree removal. If the tree is diagnosed with DED, the “brood” material can produce up to 500 beetles per foot of wood tissue. Each beetle carries and spreads the DED fungus to other elm trees from there.
Conifer beetles reproduce in a similar way withstanding and cutting wood of pine and spruce trees. Unlike elm bark beetles, conifer beetles themselves cause damage to a tree. When a tree is in a state of decline, it can’t produce enough resin to encapsulate the bark beetle larvae. When this happens, the tree becomes a target for the beetles. The beetles then create a scent (pheromone) that attracts more beetles and the attack intensifies. Eventually, the tree becomes overwhelmed with insects. The beetle population can then build to significant levels and they may attack healthy trees.
Methods of Controlling the Spread of Contamination
To save the other trees in your neighborhood, disposing of the infested wood and trees is the only way to prevent the spread of contamination. Recommended methods of disposal include: chipping the wood and bark as well as burning, burying, or removing all bark from the wood and stump.
For more information on prevention and management please contact us.
An integrated approach
It is important to make a complete evaluation of all environmental conditions when caring for urban trees. Doing this will allow you to accurately diagnose all stress factors and prescribe the best care based on specific circumstances. Such prescriptive care will help your trees meet their full potential.